I am moving from MPI based systems to Apache Spark. I need to do the following in Spark.
Suppose, I have n
vertices. I want to create an edge list from
Lets start with some imports and variables which will be required for downstream processing:
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.util.Random
import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner
val nPartitions: Integer = ???
val n: Long = ???
val p: Double = ???
Next we'll need an RDD of seed IDs which can be used to generate edges. A naive way to handle this would be simply something like this:
sc.parallelize(0L to n)
Since number of the generated edges depends on the node id this approach would give a highly skewed load. We can do a little bit better with repartitioning:
sc.parallelize(0L to n)
.map((_, None))
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(nPartitions))
but much better approach is to start with empty RDD and generate ids in place. We'll need a small helper:
def genNodeIds(nPartitions: Int, n: Long)(i: Int) = {
(0L until n).filter(_ % nPartitions == i).toIterator
which can be used as follows:
val empty = sc.parallelize(Seq.empty[Int], nPartitions)
val ids = empty.mapPartitionsWithIndex((i, _) => genNodeIds(nPartitions, n)(i))
Just a quick sanity check (it is quite expensive so don't use it in production):
require(ids.distinct.count == n)
and we can generate actual edges using another helper:
def genEdgesForId(p: Double, n: Long, random: Random)(i: Long) = {
(i + 1 until n).filter(_ => random.nextDouble < p).map(j => Edge(i, j, ()))
def genEdgesForPartition(iter: Iterator[Long]) = {
// It could be an overkill but better safe than sorry
// Depending on your requirement it could worth to
// consider using commons-math
// https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/userguide/random.html
val random = new Random(new java.security.SecureRandom())
iter.flatMap(genEdgesForId(p, n, random))
val edges = ids.mapPartitions(genEdgesForPartition)
Finally we can create a graph:
val graph = Graph.fromEdges(edges, ())