I have two data.frames, (df1, df2) and I would like to replace the values in columns P1-P10 the letters with the values of df1$V2
but keeping the first two colu
You can match
the values of df2[3:12]
in df1[[1]]
. These row numbers are used to extract the values from df1[2]
df2[3:12] <- df1[match(as.character(unlist(df2[3:12])),
as.character(df1[[1]])), 2]
The result (df2
Name bd P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
1 H 5 0.1199355 0.3752010 -0.3926061 -1.1039548 -0.1107821 0.9867373 -0.3360094 -0.7488000 -0.3926061 2.0667704
2 U 4 0.1168599 0.1168599 0.9867373 1.3521418 0.9867373 -0.3360094 -0.7724007 -0.3926061 -0.3360094 -1.2543480
3 R 3 -1.2337890 -0.1107821 -0.7724007 2.0667704 0.3752010 0.4645504 0.9867373 0.1168599 -0.0981773 -0.3926061
4 G 2 -0.3926061 0.3199261 -0.0981773 -0.1107821 2.0667704 -1.1039548 -1.2337890 0.3199261 -1.2337890 -2.1534678
5 C 6 -2.1534678 -1.1039548 -1.1039548 -0.7488000 0.4645504 0.3199261 -2.1534678 -0.3360094 0.9867373 0.8771467
6 I 1 0.6171634 0.6224091 1.8011711 0.7292998 0.8771467 2.0667704 0.3752010 0.4645504 -2.1534678 -0.7724007
If you don't want to replace the values inside df2
, you can create a new data frame df4
df4 <- "[<-"(df2, 3:12, value = df1[match(as.character(unlist(df2[3:12])),
as.character(df1[[1]])), 2])