I want to use the jQuery Datatable with ASP.net MVC and Twitter bootstrap.
Does anyone have already done this ?
This may be an old post but I just wanted to add how I got things set up. It seems to be easier than how codea did it above.
1) In your view, simply create your table like normal (with a @foreach or some such thing) and give it an ID of jqueryTable
. Then download the following 3 files and put them in the ~/Scripts/
and the ~/Content/
Now add those files to your BundleConfig.cs file using the following code:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/Scripts/datatables").Include(
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/datatables").Include(
Finally, add the following to the view where you created your table (note that the JS file order matters!):
@section Scripts {
The JS code above simply finds your table (with an ID of jqueryTable
) and initializes the datatables JS on it. Also, for this to work, the ~/bundles/jquery
will need to be included in your _Layout.cshtml
file (which it should be by default).