I have a table which contains data like this:
MinFormat(int) MaxFormat(int) Precision(nvarchar)
-2 3 1/2
Sorry, now I'm late, but this was my approach:
I'd wrap this in a TVF actually and call it like
SELECT * FROM dbo.FractalStepper(-2,1,'1/4');
or join it with your actual table like
FROM SomeTable
CROSS APPLY dbo.MyFractalSteller(MinFormat,MaxFormat,[Precision]) AS Steps
But anyway, this was the code:
DECLARE @tbl TABLE (ID INT, MinFormat INT,MaxFormat INT,Precision NVARCHAR(100));
--Inserting two examples
INSERT INTO @tbl VALUES(1,-2,3,'1/2')
--Test with example 1, just set it to 2 if you want to try the other example
--If you want to get your steps numbered, just de-comment the tree occurencies of "Step"
WITH RecursiveCTE as
SELECT CAST(tbl.MinFormat AS FLOAT) AS RunningValue
,CAST(tbl.MaxFormat AS FLOAT) AS MaxF
,1/CAST(SUBSTRING(LTRIM(RTRIM(tbl.Precision)),3,10) AS FLOAT) AS Prec
--,1 AS Step
FROM @tbl AS tbl
SELECT RunningValue + Prec
--,Step + 1
FROM RecursiveCTE
WHERE RunningValue + Prec <= MaxF
SELECT RunningValue --,Step
,CASE WHEN CAST(RunningValue AS INT)<>RunningValue
THEN CAST(RunningValue / Prec AS VARCHAR(10)) + '/' + CAST(CAST(1/Prec AS INT) AS VARCHAR(MAX))
ELSE CAST(RunningValue AS VARCHAR(10))
END AS RunningValueFractal
FROM RecursiveCTE;
The result
Value ValueFractal
-2 -2
-1,5 -3/2
-1 -1
-0,5 -1/2
0 0
0,5 1/2
1 1
1,5 3/2
2 2
2,5 5/2
3 3