How do we reverse a number with leading zeroes in number ? For ex: If input is 004, output should be 400.
I wrote below program but it works only when n
If you know the total width you'd like the number to be before-hand, you can reuse the code you have and store the results (from right to left) in a zero initialized array. Note: you'd probably want to add some error checking to the code listed below.
int num, width;
cout<<"Enter number "<>num;
cout<<"Enter width: "<>width;
int rev[width];
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
rev[i] = 0;
int cnt = width - 1;
int rev = 0;
int reminder;
while(num != 0)
reminder = num % 10;
// rev = rev * 10 + reminder;
rev[cnt] = remainder;
num = num / 10;
cout << "Reverse: ";
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i)
cout << rev[i];
cout << endl;
This will allow you to manipulate the number more easily in the future as well.