I want to delete the folder \"test\" and everything that is in it.
I am sucessfuly able to delete the folder and all it\'s contents/subfolders in FirebaseStorage wit
I posted a possible solution over at https://stackoverflow.com/a/52580756/4752490 and will post it here too.
Here is one solution to delete files in a folder in Firebase Storage using Firebase Functions.
It assumes you have models stored under /MyStorageFilesInDatabaseTrackedHere/path1/path2 in your Firebase Database.
Those models will have a field named "filename" which will have the name of the file in Firebase Storage.
The workflow is:
(Disclaimer: the folder in Storage is still leftover at the end of this function so another call needs to be made to remove it.)
// 1. Define your Firebase Function to listen for deletions on your path
exports.myFilesDeleted = functions.database
.onDelete((change, context) => {
// 2. Create an empty array that you will populate with promises later
var allPromises = [];
// 3. Define the root path to the folder containing files
// You will append the file name later
var photoPathInStorageRoot = '/MyStorageTopLevelFolder/' + context.params.dbpath1 + "/" + context.params.dbpath2;
// 4. Get a reference to your Firebase Storage bucket
var fbBucket = admin.storage().bucket();
// 5. "change" is the snapshot containing all the changed data from your
// Firebase Database folder containing your models. Each child has a model
// containing your file filename
if (change.hasChildren()) {
change.forEach(snapshot => {
// 6. Get the filename from the model and
// form the fully qualified path to your file in Storage
var filenameInStorage = photoPathInStorageRoot + "/" + snapshot.val().filename;
// 7. Create reference to that file in the bucket
var fbBucketPath = fbBucket.file(filenameInStorage);
// 8. Create a promise to delete the file and add it to the array
// 9. Resolve all the promises (i.e. delete all the files in Storage)
return Promise.all(allPromises);