I have a say widget
> \"Hello ... Thanks\"
I\'ve tried add a pause string like twilML to that element like so
> \"He
Really somebody at Twilio should create a PAUSE
widget for Studio.
Until then if you're happy using an ugly hack... here it is:
Since you can add a function widget in the flow, create a Twilio "Runtime Function" (I called it "Pause")
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
const duration = event.duration || 1500;
function() {
// console.log(duration);
} , duration);
then, replace one "Say" widget with "Say" widget + "Pause" function widget + "Say" widget.
When you add the "Pause" widget configure it with parameters, add a duration
parameter with a value that is no more than about 3000 to 4000 (I don't know exactly how to explain why but functions will 'runtime timeout' if the function takes more than 5 seconds to execute).
When you add parameters, make sure they are in fact added..., I had some trouble until I figured out that you need to click on "Add Parameter" link after you fill the "Key", "Value" fields, instead I was clicking on the big "Save" button.
Since you are looking for a 10 seconds pause, you might try to cascade 3 "Pause" widgets with duration parameter (3000, 3000, 4000), between your "Say" widgets.
I've tested this and I was able to make a pause between 2 "Say" widgets of 7 seconds by inserting one 3000 pause and one 4000 pause functions.
I hope it helps.