This is my query in mongodb
db.order.find ({\"ublExtensions.ublExtensions.extensionContent.Metadata
.ModificationTime\": \"2012-02-04T01:58:2
I would recommend storing your dates as Date or ISODate on MongoDB since it would ease your life :)
If not possible, then on the client side (programming language specific driver) you should be able to parse the string to the appropiate Date type.
However, if you need your query to run on mongo shell, you could follow an strategy similar as described at Mongo Cookbook
1) Creating a var with today's date and yesterday's date:
>var today = new Date();
>var yesterday = new Date()
>yesterday.setDate(today.getDate() - 1)
2) Form a query for finding documents within a 24 hours period
>db.order.find( { "ublExtensions.ublExtensions.extensionContent.Metadata.ModificationTime" : { $gte : yesterday, $lt : today } } )