With Play 2.4.0 Anorm got moved to an external package and logging got changed to LogBack (http://logback.qos.ch)
All well and good but nowhere are the class/package
You can intercept calls going thru JDBC driver using
I have used successfully with JPA/hibernate and Hikary on Play 2.4, the setup should be identically since this influences the JDBC layer.
Add the library to your build.sbt:
"org.bgee.log4jdbc-log4j2" % "log4jdbc-log4j2-jdbc4" % "1.12"
Adjust the config. Add log4jdbc, the log4jdbc automatically detects the underlying driver from the string: mysql. If you are using an obscure JDBC driver, you can configure it using config options - see docs below.
Example of my logback.xml, relevant part:
%date - [%level] - from %logger in %thread %n%message%n%xException%n
And, finally the log4jdbc.log4j2.properties (create it in the conf directory which is on the class path):
More docs: https://code.google.com/p/log4jdbc-log4j2/
Let me know if this works for you