I am working on a project using Primefaces 3.5 & JSF2.1 (Mojarra)
I have created a primefaces
I think the answer of ali saleh is right.
If you get problems with the tabchangelistener perhaps this can help you:
I had a similar problem with Primefaces 5.1
As long as i put the tabview into a form everything worked fine. But because i wanted to use seperate forms in my tabs i had to remove the surrounding form of the tabview to avoid nested forms. Without the surrounding form the ajax event didn´t get triggered any more when changing the tab.
My solution was to use a remotecommand in a form parallel to the tabview.
The remotecommand is triggered by the onTabChange attribute of the tabview element.
At that call i forwarded the index parameter to the global request parameters.
// Tabs...
In the backing bean i catched the value again from the request parameter map and set the active index.
public void onTabChange()
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Map paramMap = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String paramIndex = paramMap.get("activeIndex");
System.out.println("Active index changed to " + activeTabIndex);
Hope that can help you