Given an amount of days, say 25, convert it into a duration text such as \"3 Weeks, 4 Days\"
C# and F# solutions would both be great if the F# variation offers any i
This is a recursive solution. Note that a duration only really makes sense measured against a particular point in time on a given calendar because month and year lengths vary. But here is a simple solution assuming fixed lengths:
let divmod n m = n / m, n % m
let units = [
("Centuries", TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 365L * 100L );
("Years", TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 365L);
("Weeks", TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 7L);
("Days", TimeSpan.TicksPerDay)
let duration days =
let rec duration' ticks units acc =
match units with
| [] -> acc
| (u::us) ->
let (wholeUnits, ticksRemaining) = divmod ticks (snd u)
duration' ticksRemaining us (((fst u), wholeUnits) :: acc)
duration' (TimeSpan.FromDays(float days).Ticks) units []