here i have a question on LUTs in android.
my question is, i have 4X4 LUTs, Using these LUTs apply filter effect for bitmap image in android. Below is my sample LUT
I'm working on a LUT applier library which eases the use of LUT images in Android. It uses the algorythm below, but I'd like to enhance it in the future for optimising memory usage. Now it also guesses the color axes of the LUT:
Your LUT image has the red-green-blue color dimension in an other order than what I've been used to, so I had to change the order of when getting the lutIndex (at getLutIndex()
Please check my edited answer:
final static int X_DEPTH = 16;
final static int Y_DEPTH = 16; //One little square has 16x16 pixels in it
final static int ROW_DEPTH = 4;
final static int COLUMN_DEPTH = 4; // the image consists of 4x4 little squares
final static int COLOR_DISTORTION = 16; // 256*256*256 => 256 no distortion, 64*64*64 => 256 dividied by 4 = 64, 16x16x16 => 256 dividied by 16 = 16
private Bitmap applyLutToBitmap(Bitmap src, Bitmap lutBitmap) {
int lutWidth = lutBitmap.getWidth();
int lutColors[] = new int[lutWidth * lutBitmap.getHeight()];
lutBitmap.getPixels(lutColors, 0, lutWidth, 0, 0, lutWidth, lutBitmap.getHeight());
int mWidth = src.getWidth();
int mHeight = src.getHeight();
int[] pix = new int[mWidth * mHeight];
src.getPixels(pix, 0, mWidth, 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);
int R, G, B;
for (int y = 0; y < mHeight; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < mWidth; x++) {
int index = y * mWidth + x;
int r = ((pix[index] >> 16) & 0xff) / COLOR_DISTORTION;
int g = ((pix[index] >> 8) & 0xff) / COLOR_DISTORTION;
int b = (pix[index] & 0xff) / COLOR_DISTORTION;
int lutIndex = getLutIndex(lutWidth, r, g, b);
R = ((lutColors[lutIndex] >> 16) & 0xff);
G = ((lutColors[lutIndex] >> 8) & 0xff);
B = ((lutColors[lutIndex]) & 0xff);
pix[index] = 0xff000000 | (R << 16) | (G << 8) | B;
Bitmap filteredBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mWidth, mHeight, src.getConfig());
filteredBitmap.setPixels(pix, 0, mWidth, 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight);
return filteredBitmap;
//the magic happens here
private int getLutIndex(int lutWidth, int redDepth, int greenDepth, int blueDepth) {
int lutX = (greenDepth % ROW_DEPTH) * X_DEPTH + blueDepth;
int lutY = (greenDepth / COLUMN_DEPTH) * Y_DEPTH + redDepth;
return lutY * lutWidth + lutX;