Consider this scenario:
public class Base
public int i;
public class Sub : Base
public void foo() { /* do stuff */}
And th
Here's one way (out of many possibilities) that you could do something like you're asking. I'm not sure this is very pretty and can be kind of ugly to debug, but I think it works:
class BaseClass
public int i { get; set; }
public BaseClass Clone(BaseClass b)
BaseClass clone = new BaseClass();
clone.i = b.i;
return clone;
class SubClass : BaseClass
public int j { get; set; }
public void foo() { Console.WriteLine("in SubClass with value of i = {0}", i.ToString()); }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
BaseClass b1 = new BaseClass() { i = 17 };
BaseClass b2 = new BaseClass() { i = 35 };
SubClass sub1 = CloneAndUpcast(b1);
SubClass sub2 = CloneAndUpcast(b2);;;
static T CloneAndUpcast(BaseClass b) where T : BaseClass, new()
T clone = new T();
var members = b.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
if (members[i].MemberType== MemberTypes.Property)
.SetValue(clone, b.GetType().GetProperty(members[i].Name).GetValue(b, null), null);
return clone;
Basically, as you suggested, you use reflection to iterate through the object's properties (I set i
and j
as public properties) and set the values accordingly in the cloned object. The key is using generics to tell CloneAndUpcast what type you're dealing with. Once you do that, it's pretty straightforward.
Hope this helps. Good luck!