I have the following table mytable
in Hive:
id radar_id car_id datetime
1 A21 123 2017-03-08 17:31:19.0
2 A21
select count(*) / count(distinct to_date(datetime)) as trips_per_day
from (select radar_id
,lead(radar_id) over w as next_radar_id
,lead(datetime) over w as next_datetime
from mytable
where radar_id in ('A21','B15')
window w as
partition by car_id
order by datetime
) t
where radar_id = 'A21'
and next_radar_id = 'B15'
and datetime + interval '30' minutes >= next_datetime
| trips_per_day |
| 1.5 |
If your version does not support intervals, the last code record could be replaced by -
and to_unix_timestamp(datetime) + 30*60 > to_unix_timestamp(next_datetime)