On Mozilla\'s page iterators and generators there is a statement:
While custom iterators are a useful tool, their creation requires careful programm
They might look pretty similar on the surface, but they can be used in very different ways.
Iterators and Iterables
Iterators are rather strictly defined: they are object (the iterators) which contains a next
(and possibly a few other) function. Every time the next
function is called, it is expected to return an object with two properties:
: the current value of the iteratordone
: is the iterator finished?An iterable on the other hand is an object which has a property with a Symbol.iterator
key (which represents the well know symbol @@iterator
). That key contains a function, which when called, returns a new iterator.
An example of an iterable:
const list = {
entries: { 0: 'a', 1: 'b' },
[Symbol.iterator]: function(){
let counter = 0;
const entries = this.entries;
return {
next: function(){
return {
value: entries[counter],
done: !entries.hasOwnProperty(counter++)
Their main purpose, as their name suggests, is to provide an interface which can be iterated:
for (let item of list) { console.log(item); }
// 'a'
// 'b'
Generators on the other hand are much more versatile. It helps to think of them as functions which can be paused and resumed.
While they can be iterated (their iterables provide a next
method), they can implement much more sophisticated procedures and provide a input/output communication through their next
A simple generator:
function *mygen () {
var myVal = yield 12;
return myVal * 2;
const myIt = mygen();
const firstGenValue = myIt.next().value;
// Generator is paused and yields the first value
const result = myIt.next(firstGenValue * 2).value;
console.log(result); // 48
Generator delegation
Generators can delegate to another generator:
function *mydelgen(val) {
yield val * 2;
function *mygen () {
var myVal = yield 12;
yield* mydelgen(myVal); // delegate to another generator
const myIt = mygen();
const val = myIt.next().value;
Generators & Promises
Generators and Promises together can create a sort of automatic asynchronous iterator with the help of utilities such as co.
co(function *(){
// resolve multiple promises in parallel
var a = Promise.resolve(1);
var b = Promise.resolve(2);
var c = Promise.resolve(3);
var res = yield [a, b, c];
// => [1, 2, 3]
In Conclusion
So in conclusion one could say that the main purpose of iterators is to create an interface for custom objects to be iterated, whereas generators provide a plethora of possibilities for synchronous and asynchronous workflows: