I have 3 observable arrays like below.
persons = [
It's not clear what exactly your observables are emitting, so I considered two options.
let persons = [
let departments = [
{"departmentID": "100", "name": "development"},
{"departmentID": "101", "name": "sales"}
let locations = [
{"locationID": "1", "name": "chicago"},
{"locationID": "2", "name": "ny"}
// Option 1: first observable emits persons one by one,
// locations and departments are emitted as whole arrays.
let o1: any = Observable.from(persons);
let o2: any = Observable.of(departments);
let o3: any = Observable.of(locations);
o1.withLatestFrom(o2, o3, (p, d, l) => {
// here it is probably better to convert array to some kind of map or dictionary,
// but I'm only showing Rxjs concept of doing such things.
let location = l.find(c => c.locationID === p.locationID);
let department = d.find(c => c.departmentID === p.departmentID);
return {
firstName: p.firstName,
lastName: p.lastName,
location: location ? location.name : "",
department: department ? department.name : ""
}).subscribe((f) => {
// Option 2: all observables emit elements one by one.
// In this case we need to convert departments and locations to arrays.
o1 = Observable.from(persons);
o2 = Observable.from(departments);
o3 = Observable.from(locations);
o1.withLatestFrom(o2.toArray(), o3.toArray(), (p, d, l) => {
// this part of code is exactly the same as in previous case.
let location = l.find(c => c.locationID === p.locationID);
let department = d.find(c => c.departmentID === p.departmentID);
return {
firstName: p.firstName,
lastName: p.lastName,
location: location ? location.name : "",
department: department ? department.name : ""
}).subscribe((f) => {