I have 3 observable arrays like below.
persons = [
Since you'll very likely want to fetch lists of departments and locations from a remote service (make another HTTP request) I'd do it right away with Observables as well.
.mergeMap(person => {
let department$ = Observable.from(departments)
.filter(department => department.departmentID == person.departmentID);
let location$ = Observable.from(locations)
.filter(location => location.locationID == person.locationID);
return Observable.forkJoin(department$, location$, (department, location) => {
return {
'firstName': person.firstName,
'lastName': person.lastName,
'location': location.name,
'department': department.name,
.subscribe(result => console.log(result));
This prints to console:
[ { firstName: 'john',
lastName: 'public',
location: 'chicago',
department: 'development' },
{ firstName: 'sam',
lastName: 'smith',
location: 'ny',
department: 'sales' } ]
There're two Observables department$
and location$
that are filtered with filter()
operator to get the only item with matching ID. Then forkJoin() operator waits until both of them are complete. Operator mergeMap()
then reemits the value returned from forkJoin()
. At the end with toArray()
we collect all items into a single array.
Instead of Observable.from(...)
you can have whatever service you'll need (eg. http.get(...)
See live demo: https://jsbin.com/nenekup/4/edit?js,console
Similar questions: Merge subarrays using Observables and Subscribing to a nested Observable