I\'m working on some app academy practice questions and I can\'t seem to print two 00\'s for my time conversion. Here\'s what I have so far:
def time_convers
A very simple re-structuring of your code could be with one single line in your function def -
return "#{m/60}:#{m%60 == 0 ? '00' : m%60}"
Sample execution from irb -
2.1.5 :077 > m=100
=> 100
2.1.5 :078 > puts "#{m/60}:#{m%60 == 0 ? '00' : m%60}"
=> nil
2.1.5 :079 > m=120
=> 120
2.1.5 :080 > puts "#{m/60}:#{m%60 == 0 ? '00' : m%60}"
=> nil
2.1.5 :081 >