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How to store data of a functional chain of Monoidal List?
I am pretty sure we can somehow extract data from a function chain wit
I've gone through the various questions you have but I'm still not sure I entirely understand what you're looking for. On the off chance you're simply looking to represent a linked list, here is a "dumb" representation that does not use clever tricks like overloaded arguments or default parameter values:
const List = (() => {
const nil = Symbol()
// ADT
const Nil = nil
const Cons = x => xs => ({ x, xs })
const match = ({ Nil, Cons }) => l => l === nil ? Nil : Cons(l.x)(l.xs)
// Functor
const map = f => match({
Cons: x => xs => Cons(f(x))(map(f)(xs))
// Foldable
const foldr = f => z => match({
Nil: z,
Cons: x => xs => f(x)(foldr(f)(z)(xs)) // danger of stack overflow!
return { Nil, Cons, match, map, foldr }
const { Nil, Cons, match, map, foldr } = List
const toArray = foldr(x => xs => [x, ...xs])([])
const l = Cons(1)(Cons(2)(Cons(3)(Nil)))
const l2 = map(x => x * 2)(l)
const l3 = map(x => x * 3)(l2)
const a = toArray(l3)
console.log(a) // => [6, 12, 18]