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How to store data of a functional chain of Monoidal List?
I am pretty sure we can somehow extract data from a function chain wit
Thanks to the stunning contribution by @user3297291 , I somehow could refactor the code to fit my specification, but not working because I am lost the concept during the implementation :(
The point is whole thing must be curried, and no object.method is involved.
Can anyone "debug" please :)
The initial value is set to the first element, in this example as 1
I think this is almost done.
const isFunction = f => (typeof f === 'function');
const Empty = Symbol();
const L = (x = Empty) => (y = Empty) => z => isFunction(z)
? (() => {
const fold = f => seed => f(x)(y) === Empty
? seed
: (L)(y)(f);
return fold(z)(x);
: L(z)(L(x)(y));
const sum = a => b => a + b;
z => isFunction(z)
? (() => {
const fold = f => seed => f(x)(y) === Empty
? seed
: (L)(y)(f);
return fold(z)(x);
: L(z)(L(x)(y))