I\'m trying to use sp_send_dbmail
to send the results of a query through a SQLAgent job in SQL Server 2014. I believe I have my DBMail profile set up properly
There's another reason why you might get this error; if the query has an issue.
In our case we had (note that it's not due to a syntax error; note the missing quotes):
DECLARE @EmailQuery varchar(max) = 'select
REPLACE(REPLACE(e.ExceptionReason, CHAR(13), ''), CHAR(10), '') ExceptionReason,
from dbo.tblException e'
Once we corrected it as follows, it worked fine:
DECLARE @EmailQuery varchar(max) = 'select
REPLACE(REPLACE(e.ExceptionReason, CHAR(13), ''''), CHAR(10), '''') ExceptionReason,
from dbo.tblException e'