I would like to be able to define custom commands/task/macro for a VisualStudio solution. Then I would like to execute that command for a file that is selected in the
, $(ItemPath)
(=file path), ... to customize your external commandTools=>Customize=>Commands
Select Context menu: Project and Solution Context Menu | Item
Add Command...=>Tools=>External Command 1
Use the new context menu entry for items in the solution explorer
In order to cancel/stop an external command, you can also use the context menu of the solution explorer. If the original name of the command is "Test with Karma", the title will be modified to "(Stop) Test with Karma" as long as the command is running. =>Select that entry to stop the command.
Unfortunately those settings can not be stored with the Solution (?). It is however possible to export those settings. Then a colleague can import them:
Tools=> Import and export Settings...=>Next
General Settings=> External Tools List and
General Settings=> Menu and Command Bar Customizations