I am using a ngModelGroup
directive to group several form inputs together.
In the docs (https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/forms/index/NgModelGroup-d
Thanks all for helping me out! I've accepted Silentsod's answer because it was most helpful.
My final solution was simply building the form using FormBuilder
In my component, create the form and add the validator function to it:
ngOnInit(): void {
// Validator function:
let validateMemberList = (group: FormGroup) => {
let checked = Object.keys(group.controls).reduce((count, key: string) => {
return count + (group.controls[key].value ? 1 : 0);
}, 0);
return checked === 0 ? {'minchecked': 1} : null;
this.jobForm = this.formBuilder.group({
jobTitle: ['', Validators.required],
// more inputs...
members: this.formBuilder.group({}, {
// The 2nd argument is an object with a validator property:
validator: validateMemberList
supportMembers: this.formBuilder.group({}, {
validator: validateMemberList
Then in my template:
This validates the form allowing me to display errors and disable the submit button.
Thanks all for the help!