I have been trying to get the status of a print job using win32print in Python.
The status codes provided by win32print don\'t seem to match the status code for the
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This script allows you to see your printing job queue. You can customize it using the Get Job documentation if you want to see the information of a specific Job.
import time
import win32print
def print_job_checker():
Prints out all jobs in the print queue every 5 seconds
jobs = [1]
while jobs:
jobs = []
for p in win32print.EnumPrinters(win32print.PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL,
None, 1):
flags, desc, name, comment = p
phandle = win32print.OpenPrinter(name)
print_jobs = win32print.EnumJobs(phandle, 0, -1, 1)
if print_jobs:
for job in print_jobs:
print "printer name => " + name
document = job["pDocument"]
print "Document name => " + document
print "No more jobs!"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Script taken from this post