Does anyone know of a good code obsfucator for Perl? I\'m being ask to look into the option of obsfucating code before releasing it to a client. I know obsfucated code can s
As several folks have already said: don't.
It's pretty much implicit, given the nature of the Perl interpreter, that anything you do to obfuscate the Perl must be undoable before Perl gets its hands on it, which means you need to leave the de-obfuscation script/binary lying around where the interpreter (and thus your customer) can find it :)
Fix the real problem: checksums and/or a suitably worded license. And support staff trained to say 'you changed it? we're invoking clause 34b of our license, and that'll be $X,000 before we touch it'....
Also, read why-should-i-use-obfuscation for a more general answer.