I\'m inserting data problematically into tables. When I do this from another table, it\'s swift, only slowed very slightly if there are a lot of records. Even then, it\'s a
Building on pegicity's answer, my eventual code was:
Option Compare Database
Sub Concatenate(strTableToConcatenate As String, strFieldToConcatenate As String, strIDField As String)
Dim rsSource As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsDestination As DAO.Recordset
Dim qry As String
Dim strSourceTable As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim strFieldName As String
Dim strValue As String
Dim intConcatenateID As Integer
Dim intSortID As Integer
strSourceTable = strTableToConcatenate & " (Concatenate)" 'Creates a duplicate copy of the table to be concatenated and empties the original table'
DeleteTable (strSourceTable)
DoCmd.CopyObject , strSourceTable, acTable, strTableToConcatenate
qry = "DELETE FROM [" & strTableToConcatenate & "]"
CurrentDb.Execute (qry)
qry = "ALTER TABLE [" & strTableToConcatenate & "] ALTER COLUMN [" & strFieldToConcatenate & "] memo" 'Changes the DataType of the field to be concatenated to Memo, as the result may be considerably longer than the original data'
CurrentDb.Execute (qry)
i = 0
intCurrentID = 0
qry = "SELECT * FROM [" & strSourceTable & "] ORDER BY [" & strIDField & "], [" & strFieldToConcatenate & "]"
Set rsSource = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(qry, dbOpenDynaset)
qry = "SELECT * FROM [" & strTableToConcatenate & "]"
Set rsDestination = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(qry, dbOpenDynaset)
For Each fld In rsSource.Fields 'Finds the column number of the fields you are sorting by and concatenating from your source table.'
strFieldName = rsSource.Fields(i).Name
If strFieldName = strFieldToConcatenate Then
intConcatenateID = i
ElseIf strFieldName = strIDField Then
intSortID = i
End If
i = i + 1
If rsSource.recordcount <> 0 Then
intCurrentID = rsSource.Fields(intSortID).Value
strConcatenateValue = ""
While Not rsSource.EOF 'The source recordset is sorted by your designated sort field, so any duplicates of that field will be next to each other. If the row below has the same id as the row above, the sub continues to build the concatenated value. If the row changes, it adds the concatenated value to the destination record set.'
If intCurrentID = rsSource.Fields(intSortID).Value Then
strConcatenateValue = strConcatenateValue & "," & rsSource.Fields(intConcatenateID).Value
i = 0
If Len(strConcatenateValue) > 0 Then
strConcatenateValue = Right(strConcatenateValue, Len(strConcatenateValue) - 1)
End If
For Each fld In rsSource.Fields
strFieldName = rsSource.Fields(i).Name
If strFieldName = strFieldToConcatenate Then
strValue = strConcatenateValue
ElseIf strFieldName = strIDField Then
strValue = intCurrentID
strValue = rsSource.Fields(i).Value
End If
rsDestination.Fields(strFieldName) = "" & strValue & ""
i = i + 1
intCurrentID = rsSource.Fields(intSortID).Value
strConcatenateValue = ""
End If
End If
Set rsSource = Nothing
Set rsDestination = Nothing
End Sub