For an online game (MMORPG) I want to create characters (players) with random strength values. The stronger the characters are, the less should exist of this sort.
You can simulate a distribution such as the one you described using a logarithmic function. The following will return a random strength value between 1.1 and 9.9:
function getRandomStrength()
$rand = mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax();
return round(pow(M_E, ($rand - 1.033) / -0.45), 1);
Distribution over 1000 runs (where S
is the strength value floored):
S | Count
1 - 290
2 - 174
3 - 141
4 - 101
5 - 84
6 - 67
7 - 55
8 - 50
9 - 38
This answer was updated to include a strength value of 1.1 (which wasn't included before because of the rounding) and to fix the name of the mt_getrandmax() function