I placed a RichTextBox control on a new form and launched the project. So the RichTextBox.Text = \"\";
Each time I press Up or Down keys I heard the annoying BEEP so
first we need send EM_GETOLEINTERFACE message to rich edit window - this is Retrieves an IRichEditOle object that a client can use to access a rich edit control's Component Object Model (COM) functionality.
then for retrieve an ITextServices pointer, call QueryInterface
on the private IUnknown
pointer returned by EM_GETOLEINTERFACE.
here exist interesting point - the IID_ITextServices
not well known but need get in runtime from Msftedit.dll
from About Windowless Rich Edit Controls
Msftedit.dll exports an interface identifier (IID) called IID_ITextServices that you can use to query the IUnknown pointer for the ITextServices interface.
after we got ITextServices pointer - we simply can call OnTxPropertyBitsChange(TXTBIT_ALLOWBEEP, 0)
code example:
if (HMODULE hmodRichEdit = LoadLibrary(L"Msftedit.dll"))
// create richedit window
if (HWND hwndRich = CreateWindowExW(0, MSFTEDIT_CLASS, ...))
if (IID* pIID_ITS = (IID*) GetProcAddress(hmodRichEdit, "IID_ITextServices"))
IUnknown* pUnk;
if (SendMessageW(hwndRich, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, 0, (LPARAM)&pUnk))
ITextServices* pTxtSrv;
HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(*pIID_ITS, (void**)&pTxtSrv);
if (0 <= hr)
pTxtSrv->OnTxPropertyBitsChange(TXTBIT_ALLOWBEEP, 0);