I\'m working on a graphing web-app and I\'ve decided that leaflet would make a decent graph view. I have it displaying (sort of) but I need a way to force it to update when
I found the answer. Despite the no-cache headers my browser was caching the images anyway. The subdomains are not "randomly chosen" as the documentation claims, they are generated using a hash of the tile location. So I had to improvise a way to add "&RANDOM##" to the end of the URL instead of the subdomain.
The new code looks like this:
function enterHandler(event){
function formulaChange(formula){
var map;
var tiles;
var val={
item: Math.random(),
toString: function(){
return this.item;
tiles = L.tileLayer('./GraphTile.png?x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&tilesize={tileSize}&{test}',
maxZoom: 20,
continuousWorld: true,
tileSize: 128,
test: val
Hope this helps someone else. Please comment if there's a better way to do this.