The service class FooServiceImpl
is annotated with @Service aka @Component
which makes it eligible for autowiring. Why this class is not being pick
A unit test should test a component in isolation. You don`t even need to use the Spring Test context framework for a unit test. You can using mocking frameworks such as Mockito, JMock or EasyMock to isolate the dependencies in your component and verify the expectations.
If you want a true integration test then you need to use the @SpringBootTest annotation on your test class. If you dont specify the classes attribute it loads the @SpringBootApplication annotated class. This results in production components like db connections being loaded.
To eliminate these define a separate test configuration class which for example defines an embedded database instead of the production one
@SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfiguration.class)
public class ServiceFooTest{
public class TestConfiguration{
//test specific components