I am trying to create solid databars in EPPlus 4.0.4, and am running into two problems.
This is an extension list problem. This comes up alot when getting into more complex exports. Conditional formatting is probably one of the tougher ones because there are so many nuances and it has changed so much over the years.
Extension list (extLst
tags in xml) is kind of a catchall bucket that the OpenOfficeXml
standard can use to added new features and formatting. In your case Excel populates the extension list section to allow for the extended min/max limit. Epplus does not support this which is why you see the difference.
Your simplest option would be just to inject it yourself via xml/string manipulation Not pretty but it gets the job done:
var bars = doc.ConditionalFormatting.AddDatabar(range, Color.FromArgb(99, 195, 132));
bars.HighValue.Type = eExcelConditionalFormattingValueObjectType.Num;
bars.LowValue.Type = eExcelConditionalFormattingValueObjectType.Num;
bars.HighValue.Value = numResponses; //82
bars.LowValue.Value = 0;
//Get reference to the worksheet xml for proper namespace
var xdoc = doc.WorksheetXml;
var nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xdoc.NameTable);
nsm.AddNamespace("default", xdoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
//Create the conditional format extension list entry
var extLstCf = xdoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "extLst", xdoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
extLstCf.InnerXml = @"{3F3F0E19-800E-4C9F-9CAF-1E3CE014ED86} ";
var cfNode = xdoc.SelectSingleNode("/default:worksheet/default:conditionalFormatting/default:cfRule", nsm);
//Create the extension list content for the worksheet
var extLstWs = xdoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "extLst", xdoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI);
extLstWs.InnerXml = @"0 82 B2:B11 ";
var wsNode = xdoc.SelectSingleNode("/default:worksheet", nsm);
Note the gradient=""0""
which will set the color bars to solid instead of a gradient as well as the min/max settings to get the spread you are looking for.
A more "proper" way would be to would to recreate the xml objects node by node and attribute by attribute which will take a while but only have to do it once.