I am trying to encrypt at string in Java and decrypt in C#. I tried with RSA/ECB/PKCS1PADDING first and it worked like a charm, but now I\'m trying to switch to OAEP padding
RSACryptoServiceProvider does not support OAEP-SHA2.
.NET 4.6 added RSACng, which is capable of OAEP-SHA2 (256, 384, 512). .NET 4.6 also changed the Encrypt/Decrypt and Sign/Verify signatures a bit to be more scalable than a Boolean, and moved them to the RSA base class:
using (RSA rsa = new RSACng())
byte[] decrypted = rsa.Decrypt(data, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decrypted);
If your private key comes from an X509Certificate2 instance the new GetRSAPrivateKey method (also in 4.6) will prefer a RSACng instance; though the return type is deliberately not guaranteed... so if you must cast it you should use as
instead of a hard cast.