First off I understand that it is a horrible idea to run extremely large/long running reports. I am aware that Microsoft has a rule of thumb stating that a SSRS report shoul
We narrowed down the large PDF exports from SSRS and found 2 main culprits
1) Unless images are JPG or PNG colour type 3, they are expanded to BMP's See here
2) Unless you configure SSRS to behave otherwise (not recommended), then SSRS will embed fonts or font subsets into the PDF, unless they are one of the 5 'standard' PDF fonts.
Although none of the standard fonts (other than Symbol I guess) are installed on most Windows OS's out of the box, we've found that if you use Times New Roman, Courier New, or Arial
then forward and reverse font substitution will take place.
The easiest way to convert your RDL's is to view them as XML and search and replace the FontFamily
If you have to use a non standard font, then, you can still minimize the damage: