I have two similar[all attributes are same.] structures within different namespaces.
Now when i try to copy values between the objects of these structures i am getti
An alternative to That Chuck Guy's answer - you could use reflection to get and set the values. No idea what the performance benefits/detriments are.
public static class EquivelantStructureConversion
where TInput : class
where TOutput : new()
public static TOutput Convert(TInput input)
var output = new TOutput();
foreach (var inputProperty in input.GetType().GetProperties())
var outputProperty = output.GetType().GetProperty(inputProperty.Name);
if (outputProperty != null)
var inputValue = inputProperty.GetValue(input, null);
outputProperty.SetValue(output, inputValue, null);
return output;
The above example will not throw an exception if the property on the output type doesn't exist, but you could easily add it.