Please take a look on the following pseudo-code:
boolean blocked[2];
int turn;
void P(int id) {
while(true) {
blocked[id] = true;
Mutual Exclusion is in this exemple not guaranteed because of the following:
We begin with the following situation:
turn= 1;
blocked = {false, false};
The execution runs as follows:
P0: while (true) {
P0: blocked[0] = true;
P0: while (turn != 0) {
P0: while (blocked[1]) {
P0: }
P1: while (true) {
P1: blocked[1] = true;
P1: while (turn != 1) {
P1: }
P1: criticalSection(P1);
P0: turn = 0;
P0: while (turn != 0)
P0: }
P0: critcalSection(P0);