I have written a simple singleton application.
The following is my sample main class
// ThreadsafeSingletonUsingSemaphore.cpp : Defines the entry poi
The problem is that call to WaitForMultipleObjects
which, at least in Visual Studio 2017, is 64.
Notice how your call to WaitForMultipleObjects
to join threads returns WAIT_FAILED
In order to wait for more objects one should, according to the documentation:
To wait on more than MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS handles, use one of the following methods:
- Create a thread to wait on MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS handles, then wait on that thread plus the other handles. Use this technique to break the handles into groups of MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS.
- Call RegisterWaitForSingleObject to wait on each handle. A wait thread from the thread pool waits on MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS registered objects and assigns a worker thread after the object is signaled or the time-out interval expires.