After a quick research on the Stackoverflow, I wasn\'t able to find any solution for the multiple email validation using regex (split JS function is not applicable, but some
This is how I'm doing it (ASP.Net app, no jQuery). The list of email addresses is entered in a multi-line text box:
function ValidateRecipientEmailList(source, args)
var rlTextBox = $get('<%= RecipientList.ClientID %>');
var recipientlist = rlTextBox.value;
var valid = 0;
var invalid = 0;
// Break the recipient list up into lines. For consistency with CLR regular i/o, we'll accept any sequence of CR and LF characters as an end-of-line marker.
// Then we iterate over the resulting array of lines
var lines = recipientlist.split( /[\r\n]+/ ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < lines.length ; ++i )
var line = lines[i] ; // pull the line from the array
// Split each line on a sequence of 1 or more whitespace, colon, semicolon or comma characters.
// Then, we iterate over the resulting array of email addresses
var recipients = line.split( /[:,; \t\v\f\r\n]+/ ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < recipients.length ; ++j )
var recipient = recipients[j] ;
if ( recipient != "" )
if ( recipient.match( /^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)*[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\@([A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.)+[A-Za-z]{2,4}$/ ) )
++valid ;
++invalid ;
args.IsValid = ( valid > 0 && invalid == 0 ? true : false ) ;
return ;