My objective is to use an array of names to create dynamic variables in VBA, heres the code:
Sub mymacro()
Dim names()
names = Array(\"cat_code()\", \"dog_co
The compile error you are getting is caused by a duplicate declaration in the current scope.
In other words: this means you are declaring more than one variable with the same name.
Adding an Option Explicit
statement on top of you modules requires you to declare each variable you use. It's very helpful when you receive this error because you can quickly scan your code for duplicate declaration of the highlighted line Dim
This is a sample demonstrating why you are getting the error:
Option Explicit
Sub Main()
Dim c As Worksheet
For Each c In Sheets
Dim c As Long ' you are going to get an error in here because
' a variable named: c, is already declared within the sub
' you can't have two variables named: c.
For c = 1 To ws.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
' some code
Next c
End Sub
There is no easy work around your problem. We would have been able to provide a better solution to your problem if you better explain what you are trying to achieve.
There is a workaround to achieve what you want but I wouldn't recommend doing it this way if you are unsure of you are actually doing ;). The below code will create a new module in your current VBA project. While iterating over the array with the animal names it will be writing new lines to Module2
so after the execution your module two will be
In order for this code to work you have to add references to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3". You can do that by selecting
References` in the VBE window.
Also, this requires you to Trust Access to VBA Project Object Model
. Go to Excel Settings >> Trust Centre >> Macros >> tick Trust Access To VBA Project Object Model.
Run the sample code.
Option Explicit
' this VBA project requires
' 1 - references to Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility 5.3
' add it via Tools > References
' 2 - trust access to VBA project object model
' In spreadsheet view go to Excel(application options) >> Trust Centre >> Macro Settings
' tick the Trust Access to VBA project object model
Sub mymacro()
Dim names
names = Array("cat_code", "dog_code", "eagle_code")
Dim c As Variant
For Each c In names
' dynamically create arrays
WriteToModule CStr(c)
End Sub
Private Sub AddAModule()
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.vbComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Set VBProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
.DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines
.InsertLines 1, "Public Sub DynamicallyCreatedArrays()"
.InsertLines 2, " ' code for the sub"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub WriteToModule(arrayName As String)
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Module2").CodeModule
.InsertLines .CountOfLines + 2, " Dim " & arrayName & " as Variant"
End With
End Sub
Private Sub CloseModule()
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Module2").CodeModule
.InsertLines .CountOfLines + 2, "End Sub"
End With
End Sub