I want to write an Ajax web application, a game to be specific. Two web clients have to communicate with each other via the PHP server. My approach to solve this is to use A
When you use the pipes in separate functions like this, the write pipe A would seem to be closed/discarded again (local scope of $pipeA). The assumption would be that the pipe must be opened for reading and/or writing in order to retain any info, which makes sense really. Though I don't know the inner magic.
You can also observe that your blocking read-call succeeds when you feed the pipe from another process (like echo magic >> testpipe). So you'd already have step 2 done, but you need some pipehandle management.
If you change it as follows it'd work:
private $pipeA;
public function writePipe_test(){
$this->pipeA = fopen("testpipe",'r+');
fwrite($this->pipeA, 'ABCD');
Edit: or setting $pipeA to have global scope, for that matter..