Is it possible to get the stack trace information in Visual Basic 6.0. I mean I want to find out the function name and exact line that causes the error similar to .NET stack
VB6 doesn't seem to have a decent way to do that natively.
It's a bit cumbersome, but you could put together a custom solution that adds lines to a text file whenever you want it to. Put together a method somewhere that looks like this:
Public Sub LogCall(message as String)
Open "c:\My Documents\sample.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, message
Close #1
End Sub
and then manually call it from your own functions
LogCall "MyFunction: Line 42"
It doesn't solve the problem, but it might help you narrow it down.
With regards to your specific error, I would go through and check situations where you're assigning an object to a variable - I find that it's easy to forget the Set
keyword and get the exact same error when I least expect it.