I have plenty of tables in MySQL which which contains zero date in dateTime column 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Using some sort of admin settings, Is it possibl
As this is for migration, I would suggest that you simply wrap your tables in views which does the conversion as you export the data. I have used the below concept moving data from MySQL to postgress which has the same problem.
Each table should be proxied by something like this;
CREATE VIEW migration_mytable AS
SELECT field1, field2,
CASE field3
WHEN '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
THEN '1900-01-01 00:00:00'
ELSE field3
END CASE AS field3
FROM mytable;
You should be able to write a script which generate this for you from the catalog, in case you have a great deal of tables to take care of.
You should then be able to import the data into your SqlServer table (using a bridge like this), and simply running a query like;
INSERT INTO sqlserver.mytable SELECT * FROM mysql.migration_mytable;