Hi guys I am trying to make an app that once the user taps on a map it gets the coordinates of that specific point.
Among others i have also read that: Get coordina
You will need to override onTouchEvent().
i hope following code will help u... showing using onTouchEvent() to while user lifts his finger from map...
Given the screen coordinates of the touch, you can use a Projection (from getProjection() on MapView) to convert that to latitude and longitude...
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event, MapView mapView)
GeoPoint point_touch;
MapController map_controller=mapView.getController();
//---when user lifts his finger---
if (event.getAction() == event.ACTION_UP) {
point_touch = mapView.getProjection().fromPixels((int) event.getX(),(int) event.getY());
Log.i("Cordinates","Lattitude="+point_touch.getLatitudeE6() / 1E6
+" Longitude="+point_touch.getLongitudeE6() /1E6 );
return true;
return false;