I am trying to use the package Ryacas
in R
. Here what is going on:
> install.packages(\"Ryacas\")
--- Please select a CRAN mirro
Two possibilities: 1) Yacas never got started. (R does not load Yacas for you.) 2) The connection was blocked. Assuming you started Yacas from your operating system, then you need to open up that port using your security admin tools. It's not an R issue but an operating system/firewall issue.
I may be wrong about needing to start Yacas from the Start menu. This is the code for:
### You should not need to type any of what follows. Just use the command above.
runYacas <- function(method = "system", yacas.args = "", yacas.init = "") {
cmd <- yacasInvokeString(method = method, yacas.args = yacas.args, yacas.init = yacas.init)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
system(cmd, wait = FALSE, invisible = FALSE)
else system(cmd, wait = FALSE)
Since it seems to call the system, I would try that at your R prompt.