I use an NSInputStream
to read data from a file. It will crash if maxLength
is greater than 49152.
When it crashes -- sometimes, but not e
Your problem is a so called "stack overflow" (you might have heard this before).
Your method allocates a buffer on the stack using a variable length array:
uint8_t buf[bufferSizeNumber];
When the size of the buffer is so large that it overflows the size of the current stack the behavior is undefined. Undefined behavior might result in a crash or just work as expected: just what you are observing.
512kB is a huge buffer, especially on iOS where background threads get a stack of exactly this size.
You should allocate it on the heap:
NSInteger bufferSizeNumber = 524288;
NSMutableData *myBuffer = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:bufferSizeNumber];
uint8_t *buf = [myBuffer mutableBytes];
unsigned int len = 0;
len = [_stream read:buf maxLength:bufferSizeNumber];
// more code ...