I\'d like to apologize in advance, because this is not a very good question.
I have a server application that runs as a service on a dedicated Windows server. Very r
This isn't a very good answer, but hopefully it might help you.
I ran into those symptoms once, and after spending some painful hours chasing the cause, I found out a funny thing about Windows (from MSDN):
Dereferencing potentially invalid pointers can disable stack expansion in other threads. A thread exhausting its stack, when stack expansion has been disabled, results in the immediate termination of the parent process, with no pop-up error window or diagnostic information.
As it turns out, due to some mis-designed data sharing between threads, one of my threads would end up dereferencing more or less random pointers - and of course it hit the area just around the stack top sometimes. Tracking down those pointers was heaps of fun.
There's some technincal background in Raymond Chen's IsBadXxxPtr should really be called CrashProgramRandomly