Aggregate by NA in R

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闹比i 2021-01-13 11:22

Does anybody know how to aggregate by NA in R.

If you take the example below

a <- matrix(1,5,2)
a[1:2,2] <- NA
a[3:5,2] <- 2

  •  说谎
    说谎 (楼主)
    2021-01-13 12:18

    The addNA solution of Rich doesn't require any substantial change to the aggregate syntax, so I think it's the best solution. I'll point out that another option, which produces output similar to table (and thus can be coerced into a data.frame structure similar to that of aggregate) is xtabs.

    xtabs(a[, 1] ~ a[, 2], addNA=T)


      Group.1 x
    1       2 3
    2     2

    Another "trick" I see is assigning a missing code to these data. We all like the NA output of R, but assigning a missing code to a grouping variable is a good coding exercise. We take it so that it has one more digit than the largest value in the dataset and is of the form -999...99.

    codemiss <- function(x) -10^(floor(log(max(abs(x), na.rm=T), base=10))+2)-1

    works in general.

    Then you get

    a[, 2][[, 2])] <- codemiss(a[, 2])


    aggregate(a[, 1], list(a[, 2]), sum)

    Gives you:

      Group.1 x
    1     -99 2
    2       2 3
