I have a simple requirement. I need to search a string in Word document and as result I need to get matching line / some words around in document.
So far, I could s
Thanks! You provided a great solution to use PowerShell regex expressions to look for information in a Word document. I needed to modify it to meet my needs. Maybe, it will help someone else. It reads each line of the word document, and then uses the regex expression to determine if the line is a match. The output could easily be modified or dumped to a log file.
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
$path = "c:\Temp\pii"
$files = Get-Childitem $path -Include *.docx,*.doc -Recurse | Where-Object { !($_.psiscontainer) }
$application = New-Object -comobject word.application
$application.visible = $False
$findtext = "[0-9]" #regex
Function getStringMatch
# Loop through all *.doc files in the $path directory
Foreach ($file In $files) {
$document = $application.documents.open($file.FullName,$false,$true)
$arrContents = $document.content.text.split()
$varCounter = 0
ForEach ($line in $arrContents) {
If($line -match $findtext) {
"File: $file Found: $line Line: $varCounter"