Learning C++, came upon function templates. The chapter mentioned template specialization.
template <> void foo
One case for template specialization which is not possible with overloading is for template meta-programming. The following is real code from a library that provides some of it services at compile time.
namespace internal{namespace os{
template std::ostream& get();
struct stdout{};
struct stderr{};
template <> inline std::ostream& get() { return std::cout; }
template <> inline std::ostream& get() { return std::cerr; }
// define a specialization for os::get()
#define DEFINE_FILE(ofs_name,filename)\
namespace internal{namespace os{ \
struct ofs_name{ \
std::ofstream ofs; \
ofs_name(){ ofs.open(filename);} \
~ofs_name(){ ofs.close(); delete this; } \
}; \
template <> inline std::ostream& get(){ return (new ofs_name())->ofs; } \
}} \
using internal::os::ofs_name;