When quoting
<@ 1 + 1 @>
I want \"1 + 1\"
instead of
\"Call (None, Int32 op_Addition[Int32,Int32,Int32](Int32
There is none, and it's not quite that easy, except in very simple cases. One of the main problems, for example, is the match construct. It is syntactic sugar for a whole bunch of if and switch statements (try printing a quotation with a match in, you'll see). Another one of those biggies are computation expressions, but I guess you could skip those at first.
Then there is a the rabbit hole of ambiguities you'll have to resolve, with conventions like the pipe operator starts a new line, let starts a new line, indentation, infix, prefix, special cases like the (::) operator and so forth.
All in all, doable, but not trivial. Sort of like decompiling.