Following the map, having both key-value pair as dynamic, Write a logic to filter all the null values from Map without us?
Is there any other approach than traversin
I did this to make it easy remove nulls from map and list using removeWhere:
final data =
"name": "Carolina Ratliff",
"company": null,
"phone": "+1 (919) 488-2302",
"tags": [
"friends": [
"id": 0,
"name": null,
"favorite_fruits": [
'apple', null, null, 'pear'
"id": 1,
"name": "Pearl Calhoun"
void main() {
// From map
print('Remove nulls from map:\n' + data.removeNulls().toString());
// From list
print('\nRemove nulls from list:\n' + [data].removeNulls().toString());